Below is a letter from a mother to her daughter. It captures the work we do here at Project Guardianship every day. Thank you for reading it and for your support!
Dear Amanda,
With my 85th birthday coming up, I find myself thinking more about the things I am grateful for: my relatively good health, my wonderful children, my delightful grandkids, my friends at the senior center, and, of course, my beloved cat.
Getting old is hard, but you make my life easier – like yesterday, when you took me to Stop & Shop, and we went to the library, the farm stand, and out for a delicious lunch. I felt nurtured and loved. When we got home, you reminded me to refill my blood pressure medication, and you even cut my hair! I know not everyone is as lucky as I am.
This brings to mind an older woman in my building. Unlike me, Margaret doesn’t have any children or other family or friends to look in on her. Since her partner died a few years ago, she was on a downward spiral. Whenever I saw her, she looked disheveled and disoriented. One day she didn’t even recognize me, and we’ve been neighbors for 20 years. It was obvious to me that she was not receiving the right care or any care at all. I was worried, but I felt helpless too.
In the last few months, something amazing has happened to Margaret!
Julia, a case manager from an organization called Project Guardianship, came into her life when she desperately needed help. Now Margaret has a knowledgeable and compassionate person on her side. Julia does so much: she makes sure Margaret is safe, has clean clothes, is receiving all the public benefits she is entitled to, and is up to date on her past-due bills so she’s no longer in debt. She takes Margaret grocery shopping, arranged to have her apartment deep cleaned, and made an appointment for her to see a specialist to treat her memory issues.
Just as important, Julia has become Margaret’s trusted companion. She listens to her concerns and her hopes for the future. She sees Margaret as a valuable person who deserves good care.
Project Guardianship has a team of professionals helping Margaret move through her days securely and with joy and dignity. Along with Julia, there are lawyers, finance associates, and housing and benefits experts all working together on Margaret’s behalf.
That’s their model – comprehensive, person-centered care for everyone who needs it.
Margaret may not have a daughter like you, but, thanks to Project Guardianship, she’s no longer alone or in danger of falling through the cracks. Maybe we can visit her next time you come over and bring her a sweet treat. You know how much I love to bake!
Project Guardianship relies on the support of our donors to continue to bring outstanding, person-centered care to older adults with dementia and mental illnesses and people with disabilities who need help making decisions. In addition to guardianship services, we promote less-restrictive alternatives to guardianship and work to create a system that guarantees a high-quality guardian to any individual who needs one, regardless of their financial or social situation. To make your year-end gift to PG, please CLICK HERE!
Thank you!